Inner locution with the Blessed Mother.
“My Child, the hardships which you are enduring is for the conversion of sinners. I have a very serious message for you this afternoon. Many souls are not prepared for the illumination of consciences.
Every soul will see where they will end up in eternity due to their works and their service to God. So many do not visit the sacrament of reconciliation. Sin has become normal for many souls. They do not feel the pain which it causes the internal Father.
But when the illumination of consciences does occur. They will not be able to escape. The sight of their sins. And every soul will feel the pain of each sin they have committed towards God.
The souls which have mocked the Church, and have rejected God completely. They will suffer great pain. Many of them will die of fright because they will not be able to look upon the Lord. That’s why I ask for you to tell the lost flock to go to confession before the warning comes. And try to remain in a state of grace.
After the warning occurs, their will only be a minority of people that will amend their lives and repent. If this does comes to pass the lord will have to purify the earth with fire and the world will be covered in darkness.
As Mary was Speaking I had interior visions of dark clouds covering the earth and fire falling from the sky”. After these visions I asked Mary, “Why wouldn’t people repent?” She responded, “Because the world is in a materialistic age, materialism has become the golden calf of today.
And also many of my children have come to think that they are Gods. And society has accepted everything that is against God. Many Children love their sin more than they love the Lord.
But to prevent this great chastisement from taking place, I ask that you offer up all the suffering in which you adore so that people will accept this sign of mercy that the Lord will send to the world.”