John Lawrence Mariani
                            Please Pray for America
Chaos is Looming
Click Here for Picture of St Michael the Archangel
August 24, 2023
Dear Readers

Two days ago, I received a message from Jesus. I was very sad. He said that chaos is looming throughout the world. And soon It will be evident its widespread and everybody will be able to see. And He told me that I must pray vigilant so that I can be strong during the time of tribulation.

We must pray more than ever before and we must do reparation and penance. So, we can be ready to see Jesus in the warning. Then He also said that we must continue to store our food and continue preparing for what is to come.

If you know people who don’t believe you when you are preparing for this stuff. Know that when the time comes. When the time comes they will be looking for you. Jesus will use you to be the light for others during the tribulation.

The ones who didn’t believe you when you were preparing for this type of tribulation will believe you when things crash. And they won’t know what to do with themselves. But they will remember what you and I have been trying to tell people for years.

But first in order for us to be a light for others we must praise Jesus before the tribulation. So we may have the strength to undergo the trials that are coming…cause the people who come to us will not have the interior strength like many of us do.

I have a feeling by the end of this year things are going to get really bad and going into 2024 things will spiral out of control.

I talked to my friend Richard and he said that they’re planning to transfer the dollar into digital currency within the next few months. This isn’t prophecy this is from some high Banking intelligence.

We can already see this value of the dollar. Saudi Arabia doesn’t want to use it. The dollar is backed by nothing. We must be ready for great many changes this could bring. 

I have a feeling that another virus is going to break out and when they lock us down we won’t be getting back out. Martial law will be in full swing. 
Stock up on your first aid kit and stock up with plenty of food. Bless your land and make sure it is consecrated and make sure you do it. 

Do penance and pray. Assume the warning is coming. The light will shine through the darkness. Everything that is happening is about to reach its climax before the warning comes. 

We ourselves are human flesh may not be able to take of what is coming. But if we pray enough and ask the spirit to give us strength the Spirit will dwell within us during the tribulation. And he will be with us as a link to heaven. 

Thank you everyone.
John Mariani