John Lawrence Mariani
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We have to pray for our Bishops

Dear Readers

You may have read my recent post that I put up a few days ago.  I couldn't speak that well. And, when I was writing I had trouble breathing. I now feel better so this post will be a little longer. If you didn't read my most recent post I talked about how this year we have just entered I believe that significant things will happen that God had told me about. Such as a war with Iran, Russia, and Israel.  Which He fortold to me back in 2009 and 2010, which I believe these things will unfold. 

But that is not the only things thats been going on. My brothers and sisters if you've read the message of  April 11, 2019 it was an elocution with the Blessed Mother and she said that there will be more confusion in the church and that many Bishops are not preaching the truth. I also got a simular message from Jesus on October 2nd when I called upon Him and told Him that I was concerned about the schizm in the Church. 
As you all know my brothers and sisters that the Church, especially in the Vatican is greatly divided.  It is Bishop against Bishop, Cardinal against Cardinal that there is so much confusion within the Church. It has to stop!  Also, as many of you know   over the past year there has been many cases of sex abuse throughout the world. I would like to talk about that. I have not been very open about it. But, I am going to express how I feel now. 
 We have to pray for our Bishops but that does not mean we can't call out the wrong doing that they have done. Especially if they are still Bishops. For many years now the Church has been silent not only on past and present scandals but to standing up to what the Church teaches.  Such as speaking out to these politicians who receive the Euchrist and yet support full term abortion. 

These Bishops do not say anything and they should say something, because they are representitives of Christ. Unfortunately I believe that Bishops positions in the Church has become a political post. In order to become a Bishop you have to know a lot of people and become connected with people and politicians. 

It is no longer a sacred position, but I do not believe that the Catholic Church no matter how sacred that position is has... like I said earlier has become a political one. A lot of these Bishops would rather go to cocktail parties and be well liked by other politicians throughout the world instead of standing for what is right. 

We have to pray for these Bishops because at the end of the day when we all die we will no longer be wearing our clothes. We will be stripped naked in front of the Lord and everything will be revealed. And these Bishops who wear the fancy clothes, the fancy robes, they can try to cover up as much as they want but at the end of the day these Bishops will be standing naked  before God and realize that they have not done their job. 

Eziekiel 33 says that if you don't warn the wicked of their evil doing that they will be held accountable. Instead of standing up for what is right these Bishops have become like the Pharisees of old. Like the money changers at the Temple and Jesus overturned the table. They collect money from the politicians instead of standing up for God. 

In the Church when Bishops do stand up for whats right in what the Church teaches they get criticized for speaking the truth. 
Like many of the Saints said... Padre Pio said it.  The cloake of Satan has entered into the Church. You need to understand that the liberal Bishops are starting to take over the Church and the conservitive Bishops are becoming the minority. And the Orthodox Catholics are going to be persecuted by the liberal Bishops and the Communist Bishops 

As many of you know... Jesus said on October 2nd not to worry about the schizm because this is leading up to the Illumination of Conscience of God. We will have the percecution of the true faith is going to increase. We have to pray to God, pray the Rosary and pray to Saint Michael the Archangel.   

There is a spiritual battle going on right now between God and Satan more than ever! Because, the warning is getting close. The warning is the Illumination of Consience which God has spoke to me in many messages and the Blessad Mother has spoke to me about it. The reason why the prosecution is so bad is because this is Satans hour. Satan knows his time is here. 

The Church may split but the gates of hell will prevail against it. All these things have come that we have entered into the latter days.  And if you've read the message of November 2nd Jesus said tht the world is going through labor pains and when the warning comes you will know we have entered into the latter days. And, that the Anti-Christ will came. 

Pray my brothers and sisters that Jesus will take care of the Church and we must pray for these Bishops to speak out even write and remind them that this is part of Gods word and they hold a sacred mission to shelter Gods people. It is not a political condition it is a sacred mission and it is no diety to shelter the diocese thru-out the world. 

Not to just stand up for what is right but to serve the diocese and do what is right
Click Here for Picture of St Michael the Archangel
January 10, 2020