January 31, 2012
John Lawrence Mariani
                           Please Pray for America
I felt the presence of God the father.  I went into my back yard, and I saw a beam of light.  This is what he said; My child, the blessed mother and I have giving you many warnings about future conflicts in the middle east.  I have come to tell you that in the coming months these things that I told you before will start to unfold.  The time of darkness is here.  These conflicts in the middle east will cause trouble in your country also.  The government is taking rights away one by one.  And yet my people do not see what is coming upon them.  The days of peace in your country are coming to an end. Many people can not see these events unfolding because they do not pray. My people have sought peace in the wrong way. They have leaned on their own understanding and choose not to understand what I want from them.  If people pray and did what I have asked them to do, much of these things could be reversed.  But I tell you since my people did not heed to my first warnings none of what is coming can be everted. All I can tell you is to prepare you own soul for what is to come.  Thank you for listening.
Click Here for Picture of St Michael the Archangel