July 27, 2018
John Lawrence Mariani
                           Please Pray for America
Dear readers I've been moved by the spirit to bring up a certain topic. The End Times.  As you know the Apostiles of Jesus thought that Christ was going to return soon after he died and resurected.  But, of course as we know Jesus did not return in the Apostiles lifetime.  And, because of that the Catholic Church has been hesitant to talk about the last days. But there are many profecies being fullfilled. I know we are in the last days and it is not because of the chaos in the world. It is because of certain biblical profecies. The book of Joel in the Old Testiment  stated "In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."

Joel was a prophet in the Old Testiment.  I have a profecy that is currently being fullfilled.  Is a profecy from the book of Ezekiel which is again in the Old testiment "I shall gather Israel enemies like a hook and they shall come against Israel. These countries include Magog which is now modern day Russia and Persia which is now modern day Iran. As you can see Russia and Iran have joined forces just as the book of Ezekiel  prophesied. My brothers and sisters you can find this in Ezekiel 38. 

Another  prophesy that is being fullfilled in the book of Joel when he said "In the last days you shall see signs within the moon. My brothers and sisters for the past couple of years we have had four blood moons and many other things happen.  As I said before through the profit Joel the Lord will pour out his Spirit and than more now than ever there are more people who claim to receive prophecy and have visions of some sort.

Now I will bring out the most controversial part in this whole post. In the book of Revelation Saint John the Evangelist has a vision that says that there will come a time where people would have the option to take the Mark called the number 666. Which is the Mark of the Beast. And you wouldn't be able to buy or sell without it. My brothers and sisters I believe that that time is slowly approaching.

If you were not aware there are certain businesses that are placing chips under their employees skin. Right now it is optional.  Eventually everyone will be given a decision to take the chip or not. The Book of Revelation warns us not to take it. I will post the video on the website above the Mark of the Beast.

We see precursers of the Mark now.  The people who  want the New World Order want a cashless society.  The credit cards we  already know and use are already chiped.  And, some places won't even accept credit cards without this chip. This is the beginning of the End Time. "I believe".  But things may have been stalled because of Gods Mercey. This is a time of grace but I believe that this time of grace is running out.

And, I hope my brothers and sisters that you have read the Prophcy March 8th when Jesus told me that we are still in the time of grace but time is running out. We must be strong and pray to the Blessed Mother. She is the woman who's clothed with the sun as described in the book of Revelation. That is the Virgin Mary this is the woman clothed with the sun. We know this because of previous apperitions of the century that she has come with a crown of 12 stars. Which is also described in the book of Revelation.

In order for us to be ready for the End Time we must deepen our relationship now, by praying the Rosery and taking the sacraments but most of all we must read the scriptures and educate ourselves in biblical prophecy.  So, we can know and not be caught off guard.  Knowing Revelation is important. Yet, as you know my brothers and sisters I private Revelation myself. But, reading the scriptures is more important than visions and apperitions.

Scripture is Gods revelation given to the whole world. . And we must read the scriptures more so we can receive more graces.  Thank you my brothers and sisters. Stay strong.
Click Here for Picture of St Michael the Archangel
The End Times