John Lawrence Mariani
                            Please Pray for America
Personal Conversation with God the Father
Click Here for Picture of St Michael the Archangel
June 18, 2023
Dear Readers

About a month ago I received my first personal conversation with God the father. It’s not a public revelation, but I think it’s something that you should know.

As you know, my last entry had to do with my final public conversation with God the Father. The rest of my conversations with him will be private.

I did end up having my first private conversation with him. About a week after I received my last public one. And he told me to bless my property with holy water and that I was not stocked up on enough food.

I believe. That something is coming and that we’re very, very close to a worldwide economic collapse and that we need to prepare ourselves and consecrate our land to the Lord. So, we can be protected when the tribulation comes.

I have been very disturbed over the past couple months over the things that are unfolding. But I know that is my human flesh and my fear taking over. All we have to do is trust in the Lord and he will help us overcome our human fears. 

If you have holy water make sure you get the holy water and bless your entire property and consecrate it to the Lord and the Blessed Mother and make sure you stock up on enough food before the collapse comes was my last conversation with Him. 

Continue to pray for me as the devil is always on the attack on my soul and I’m sure many of you as well. That is because the devil knows that his time is running out. 

I want to thank all of you who visited my website daily and weekly. I’m sorry I have not posted as much. I have been working on my YouTube channel as you know.

And, I have been trying to deepen my prayer life. Continue to hold on to your Rosary and trust in the Lord. Thank you. You are all in my prayers.