John Lawrence Mariani
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The Real Presence in the Eucharist 

Dear Readers

As many of you know we have begun the Lentin season. Lent can be difficult for some people given that certain habits and other things etc. I have been reflecting on something different. All the wondeful things the church has been offerd during the Lentin season. Confession on Wednesday night. Stations of the Cross and many other devotions. 

 Usually I go through a dark night of the soul. I was going through a dark night a little bit  but than I started to do adoration  in my room, I prayed,  I really didn't know what to pray for?  But, I just thought of the Eucharist, meditating  and spoke to the Lord. 

The Eucharist is the real presence my brothers and sisters. The Spirit of Christ is truely in the Eucharist.  John Chapter 6 said "Unless you eat of MY flesh and drink MY blood you will not be saved". There are many forshadows in the Old Testiment about the Eucharist. For instance...Jesus said when he preached in the Synagogue that the ancesters ate the manna in the desert and they died but, I am the living bread which comes down from heaven. 

Jesus is the final sacrifice for human kind. If any of you had not read the Old Testimant. Before Jesus came  the Jewish people had to do sacrifices to animals in order to be forgiven their sins. This was part of the Laws of Moses that was given to the Israelites during their travel to the promise land. 

I am not familiar with Leviticas, I am familier with Exodes but Leviticas is the book that describes all the laws and all the sacrifices that the Israelites had to make.  But with the first covenent that the Lord had established for human kind. 

But, after the 40 years in the desert and the travel to the promise land the nation of Israel started to get disobedient. It says in the book of Isaiah "your sacrifices mean nothing to me... your burnt offerings are worthless to me... because, you still sin". 

I am building something new. Soon your sins will be remembered no more. Your sins are like scarlet. And, I will make them as white as snow. 

My brothers and sisters the Lord is speaking about the coming of His Son. Jesus is the image of the invisible God. There are also many other segments of the  Eucharist. I will try to find the many scripture parts presented. 

There is a forshadow of the saving blood of Christ. If you remember in the Passover in the time of Moses, God said that there would be a great plague that would wipe out the first born of Israel. Each Hebrew must put the blood on his or her door in order for the plaque to pass. Take a lamb and puts its blood on the door. This plague  can be found in Exodus. I will find the scripture parts and  post it as well. 

My brothers and sisters this goes to show that the Lord had something planned for us. As I said before Jesus is in the final sacrifice, in the last supper, during the passover,  which celebrated the plague when God said he was going to wipe out the first born of Egypt. 

Jesus had the last supper on that feast day and said "this is my body and my blood which will be given up for you". And than God started to establish through Jesus Christ the new covenant. The covenent that our sins are now washed away.  

Don't get me wrong we still have respect for the Jewish people but Jesus made a covenant to the whole world to follow. 

When He died on the cross the presence of the Spirit of God left the Holy of Holies in the Jewish Temple. If someone were to find the Ark of the Covenant it would be meaningless because the presence of the Lord is no longer in it.  Because, now we have the Eucharist with the Spirit of God. 

Sometimes we lack reverence for the Eucharist as sometimes we forget who we are receiving. Another way we know that the Eucharist is the real presence  (and I will post a video on this) there have been Eucharistic Miracles where the Eucharist has actually bled during the Mass and the priest at the church has taken the bleeding Host to scientists, doctors, and labs throughout the world. 

In many of these reported miracles the blood has been tested to be real.  I think the Eucharist bleeds sometimes is because I believe that the church and many Catholics have lost faith in the Eucharist.  So during this Lent let us take time to sit by the Eucharist and pray and realize the awe of Jesus in the Host.

Click Here for Picture of St Michael the Archangel
March 12, 2019