Dear Brothers and Sisters
I know many of you have been afraid to go to church because of the Covid Virus. You have to understand my brothers and sisters that this is only a trial. The government is using this virus to steer people away from God and the church.
What are you going to do when the churches are shut down? and you can't receive the Eucharist at all. You have to understand all these things are leading up to a police state.
For those of you who don't go to church now...whats going to happen when you have a gun pointed to your head? Will you profess that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior!
Brothers and Sisters you should take advantage of going to church while you still can before they shut the churches down for good.
This virus is used to promote fear, like I said before. Don't let it. Receive the Eucharist. Go to Confession and receive all the Sacriments while we still can, because there will be a time when you won't be able to go to Mass at all.
Mass will have to be said underground as things will get so bad once the economy collapses so, you will have to make the decision and ask yourself is Jesus Christ my Savior?
Don't buy into the fear of the media on the virus and take advantage of every Sacriment if you can. Even if your not Catholic go to church while you still can.