John Lawrence Mariani
                            Please Pray for America
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My message to you
Copyright 2008
May 28, 2016
My message to you.

Dear Readers

I appreciate all of the comments that I have gotten about the messages, and I appreciate all of you who have shared my website to get Gods message out and spread the word of the Lord.

I'm sure many of you, have had questions about the Prophecies.  As many of you know some of them have started to unfold.  I want to clarify some things for those of you who have read the message about one branch taken over all of the other parts of the government.

I do not want you to get the impression that there would be no election.  All though through much prayer I have gotten a feeling that there is going to be chaos and riots before the next election which could introduce Marshall Law, just as the Lord has said to me.

My dear readers if you have read all my Prophecies carefully things are unfolding rather fast for this country and for the world.  And, that is because the acceptance of evil has become the norm.  Evil is no longer wrong.  In this society the good and righteous are considered evil.

God is going to allow purification throughout the world. There's nothing you and I can do to change it.  Except through prayer God could mitigate some of these things.

But, my dear brothers and sisters you have to understand that these things have to unfold, because this is part of Gods divine plan. In the end God will triumph. What you and I have to focus on (in our selves), is what we are about in our self.

The only way it can be done is to pray to the Blessed Mother, and Adoration.  My dear brothers and sisters this is the time we must increase our devotion to Our Lady.  Even though all these things are unfolding in front of us, Mary will never abandon us.  As I said before. In the end Our Lady will triumph.

Her Immaculate Heart will triumph!

My dear brothers and sisters as you know these times are very confusing where many people no longer know what the church teaches.  We must pray to Our Lady and the most Holy Trinity that we may Stand with Conviction in what we know to be true.

Do not listen to other people who dilute the truth.  Pray to the Holy Spirit so you may, dear brothers and sisters, be able to hold on to the truth in your hearts.

God Bless You, John Mariani

Pray for America!