I saw a cloud coming toward me. It was filled with light. It blinded my eyes. Then I saw the image of The Eternal Father through a white veil. His hair was like frost. His cheeks were as red as roses and His face was light brown. He looked very sad. This is what he said. “John, I have a prophecy to give you. Soon this country shall be like many of the third world countries. This country is in ruin because of the peoples’ constant sin and the lack of prayer and penance. It is time for this country to pay for its sins. These sins remain constantly in my face. Soon I shall have to allow calamities to occur in this country and around the world. You shall see weather that you have never seen before and things that will wipe out much of the population. I do not want to do this. My heart aches, but if only My people would come to Me and heed to My call, then I would put a stop to all of this. I warned My people of the future, but it is up to them to put a stop to it through prayer and sacrifices. Unfortunately they have not done what I have asked. There will come a time when you will see fire and brimstone come to the Earth and many things that once were will be up in smoke. But, if people repent after the tribulation, then I shall put these things to a halt and there will be peace. But, if they do not, like I told you before, there will be great tension between China and the United States and eventually China will take over much of the world. I ask you to tell My people to fast and to pray and to be devoted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I ask you to intercede for them, to pray for them, so that they may have enlightenment and obey My laws and love Me as I have loved them.