October 28, 2010
John Lawrence Mariani
                           Please Pray for America
Inner locution of Jesus Christ

“My child I have a message for you. You have seen many things happen in the world.  The Eternal Father has revealed to you many things for this country. A time of darkness is here for the world.  As you can see, many countries are beginning to suffer the same fate as yours.  This is because so many people do not repent for their sins.  What they don’t understand is that everyone’s sins that have not been confessed are still in the face of the Father.  If people would repent, the sins which the world has committed would be behind the Eternal Father’s back.  The longer the world does not repent, the greater the judgment will be. But the problem is that people no longer believe in sin.  The world has chosen the hard way to learn its mistakes. It is man that has brought this destruction upon itself.  If people keep on offending God and are not sorry for their sins, the world will continue to be in darkness. I am the way to peace. Please tell my people to come to me and to humble themselves before me. It is unnecessary what man has brought upon the world, but it is necessary for man to stop making their own laws and to follow mine and to amend their lives. Even when the illumination of consciences comes, and all the other signs, there might not be peace even then. The days of peace might only come when the world is renewed.”

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