John Lawrence Mariani
                            Please Pray for America
We are becoming like Nazi Germany
Click Here for Picture of St Michael the Archangel
October 5, 2021
I know its been awhile since I wrote anything because I've been having trouble breathing as of late. 

I wanted to talk to you about the current events that have been going on throughout the world. The world is getting like Nazi Germany and I'll tell you why. Cause now you need a vaccination card pretty much where you go. In some states just to sit down at a restaurant you need a vaccination card or your not allowed in. 

Doesn't that sound familiar? You don't have your papers so you can't get in. And, thats exactly how the One World Order is trying to make it. 

You don't get the vaccine in your job get fired. They say the its the fault of the un-vaccinated thet the virus is spreading. They are treating us like the Jews in Nazi Germany. And I guarantee that the FEMA CAMPS (for us) will start real soon. They already have these little camps they are taking the un-vaccinated in Australia and thats what our government will be doing to us.  

And also there is going to be a food shortage because there is not enough workers to go around to unload the food. I was watching Channel 7 News last night and they said the School Cafeterias are getting low on food supplies. Why? Because of the supply chain getting low. 

I guarantee that the famine that the Lord fortold is going to come probably by the middle of next year but er're already starting to see it.  You go to a Walmart, you go to the supermarket, or any supermarket and your starting to see the food shelves become bare.    

I'm telling you my brothers and sisters it is coming those messages that I received back in April about famine and about the Trumpets of Justice being blown and about stocking up... Its here!!!  The final time of preperation is I have said before!

Time is running out. Its getting worse and worse and worse every day. The world is spinning out of control and I guarantee you will see an economic collapse. 

The One World Order just passed the Infrastructure Bill and are fighting hard to pass a multitrillion-dollar reconciliation package full of new spending to total 5 Trillion Dollars. My brothers and sisters we have to get right with God and I'm not saying I'm perfect because I've been going through a really tough time with my breathing. And I've been actually kind of angry at God. I have been praying as I know he is there even though I have not felt his presence.  

I know he is there looking down and I just have to offer up myself to him in prayer.  We have to keep our eyes on God and prepare ourselves both physically and spiritually that the enemy is going to attack us harder than ever before. 

One more thing. You may want to get a copy of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights because I  guarantee that our wonderful socialist government is going to get rid of that pretty soon. So get or print out copies of our founding documents and home school your kids when it comes to American History.