September 16, 2010
John Lawrence Mariani
                           Please Pray for America
Inner locution with Jesus Christ

My child, soon there will be riots in the streets because there will be no work to be found. It will be like the days of the Great Depression. The government is raising taxes to take control of the country. The government is weakening the people.

Many people know this, but realize that there is nothing they can do. They know that the damage is already done. Everything that is happening in America now, the government is behind it in some way.

They are building something new on top of the old.

Soon it will be very hard to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in schools because the government wants to remove everything that this country stood for.

If one recites the Pledge of allegiances in schools, and the government finds out, many people will be called traders of the new America. The government officials are thieves.

All that is happening with the economy, it is leading to the One World Government.

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