September 26, 2010
John Lawrence Mariani
                           Please Pray for America
Inner locution of Jesus Christ: September 26, 2010

My child, I want to continue the conversation that we had last night.  I understand that you have been in a lot of pain because of the prophecies that you have received. (John asked) “Lord, how come it takes an experience to make people believe in you or in God period?” (Response) Because people no longer believe in what they can’t see.  It is the job of Catholics to pray for these people, so that people can come to believe.  If people pray the rosary like I have asked them to the world would be at peace and there would be no more divisions between Catholics and Protestants.  I want to make you understand that even non-believers also have suffering and the reason for that is because they have not found me.  They have no one to comfort them.  That is what I am using you for, to comfort my people and to show that having everything is not the answer; That having less is the true way to happiness, but you can only begin to experience happiness through prayer.  My child, you will always have pain in your soul.  It is not easy to receive prophecies.  It was not easy for me, but that pain which you suffer is the pain that I am sharing with you, so that you may see the errors of the world and help the people to correct their ways.  Even though you have suffered a lot of pain, you have to admit you have become closer to me and that I am all that you want in your life; that nothing else makes you happy then to be with me.  The pain which you suffer in your soul is the longing for people to come back to me.  I will carry you through.  Pray the rosary and I shall comfort you. (John asked) “Lord, one more thing. I was an agnostic before you started appearing before me.” (Response) I wouldn’t exactly call you an agnostic.  You were ten, so you did not understand, but don’t you remember that you always wanted to learn more about your faith? You have always had the faith and because of that you are who you are today.  

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